Cafe reviews

since 1998

Caffè Nero, many places including Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester, London, Nottingham, Windsor...
Nice, very nice, and almost as good as AMT's... the bitter edge to the coffee puts some off, but it's just about perfectly balanced at every branch visited.

, machines everywhere, especially strange places like Sofi de France, Loughborough University and Powerhouse, Wakefield
The best filter coffee out of a machine.

Costa, everywhere
About Costa from the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal. Again, not quite up to the best here, but a good cup of coffee at a good price, with a nice range of sandwiches etc.

      These reviews are by A.Boodoo. If you would like your favourite cafe(s) listed, why not email me
...and don't forget to pop back for another coffee!
© A.Boodoo, 19-Jan-03, r1.3
